***Replication code of EHA models of adoption of lobbyist register*** **STATA** est clear *** Corruption Model**** logit adoption c.gdppc3##c.corruption t t2 t3, cluster(id) eststo, title("DV: `e(depvar)' `e(cmd)' `e(model)'") *** Corruption Model & internal determinants: Bicameralism & Corporativism & democracy duration*** logit adoption c.gdppc3##c.corruption bic corporativism democracy_duration fdi_lag3 spatlag_n t t2 t3, cluster(id) eststo, title("DV: `e(depvar)' `e(cmd)' `e(model)'") esttab est1 est2, wide se /// stats(r2_p N aic bic, fmt(2 0 0) labels("Pseudo R2" "Observations" "AIC" "BIC")) star(* 0.1 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) legend varlabels(_cons Constant) esttab est1 est2, wide se /// stats(r2_p N aic bic, fmt(2 0 0) labels("Pseudo R2" "Observations" "AIC" "BIC")) star(* 0.1 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) legend varlabels(_cons Constant) csv logit adoption i.corruption_bin##c.gdppc3 t t2 t3, cluster(id) interactplot