Editorial Board Members

Matthias Drilling

Matthias Drilling Mail
University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Switzerland

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Matthias Drilling is head of the Institute for Social Planning and Urban Development at the School of Social Work, University of Applied Sciences and the Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW).

His research focuses on the futures of cities and urban neighbourhoods, on social sustainability, urban governance, democratic and empowering approaches. At the University of Basel de teaches theories of social space, and politics of integrative urban politics.

He functions as Management Comitee Member of the EU-COST Actions "Future of Allotment Gardens in European Cities“ TU 1201 and "People friendly cities in a data rich world” TU 1204.

He is reviewer for the German Research Foundation DFG, Swiss National Foundation SNF, German Academic Exchange DAAD, several Ministries in Switzerland and Germany, and for several scientific journals.

He is co-head of the neighbourhood research network of the German Geographical Society (www.quartiersforschung.de) and co-editor of the series "Quartiersforschung (Neighbourhood Research)” at Springer VS Publishers. His latest research projects focused on location based services for participation processes in open space planning in Swiss cities. His methodological approaches combine quantitative analysis (esp. cluster and factor analysis) and qualitative analysis (esp. hermeneutic and phaenomenological approaches).