Critical Race Theory and Indigenous rights

with Scott E. Simon and Awi Mona

6 Sep 2023 | Social Inclusion

Taiwan's Indigenous peoples have a long history of living as autonomous nations. However, as Taiwan democratized, the state began to recognize individual Indigenous rights, but not Indigenous sovereignty. Scott Simon and Awi Mona discuss two court rulings that illustrate how liberal indigeneity undermines Indigenous sovereignty.

Episode based on the article

Between Legal Indigeneity and Indigenous Sovereignty in Taiwan: Insights From Critical Race Theory
By Scott E. Simon and Awi Mona
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About the Speaker

Scott E. Simon (PhD, McGill University, 1998) is a socio-anthropologist. He is a professor in the School of Sociological and Anthropological Studies and Chair of Taiwan Studies at the University of Ottawa. He has lived in Taiwan for ten years and returns annually for field research. He has also done field research in Japan and Guam. His research interests include Indigenous rights, indigeneity, and ecological anthropology. He has written four books and numerous articles and book chapters about Taiwan.

Awi Mona, aka Chih-Wei Tsai (PhD, University of Washington, 2007), is an Indigenous scholar and activist. He is an associate professor of law and Indigenous studies in the Department of Law at National Dong Hwa University. He has done extensive collaborative work on Indigenous rights movements with local communities in Taiwan. His principal research areas are Indigenous law, international human rights law, and cultural and education laws. He has written numerous articles on Taiwan’s Indigenous legal issues.