How online job hunting leaves some behind

with Stefano De Marco

7 May 2024 | Social Inclusion

Is the online job market leaving some behind? We chat with Stefano De Marco (University of Salamanca, Spain) about the growing importance of digital skills and how unequal access can disadvantage certain groups.

Episode based on the article

Jobless and Burnt Out: Digital Inequality and Online Access to the Labor Market
By Stefano De Marco, Guillaume Dumont, Ellen Johanna Helsper, Alejandro Díaz-Guerra, Mirko Antino, Alfredo Rodríguez-Muñoz, and José-Luis Martínez-Cantos
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About the Speaker

Stefano De Marco holds a PhD in sociology and is an associate professor in the Department of Sociology and Communication at the University of Salamanca. His research focuses on digital inequality, democratic divides, and digital political participation. He has recently led a project aimed at understanding how digital skills can facilitate employment opportunities through online platforms and how this can impact access to the labor market in Spain. He is member of the international DiSTO project on digital inequality.