Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2183-7635

Paradigm Shifts in Urban Planning

Open Access

Academic Editors: Matthias Drilling, Efrat Eizenberg, Janet Stanley, Lee Boon Thong and Andreas Wesener

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Table of Contents

The Death and Life of Collaborative Planning Theory
Robert Goodspeed
Commentary | Open Access | Published: 14 November 2016
The Potential of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) in Future Transport Systems
Maria Attard, Muki Haklay and Cristina Capineri
Article | Open Access | Published: 16 November 2016
Re-Thinking Housing: From Physical Manifestation of Colonial Planning Policy to Community-Focused Networks
Shelagh McCartney
Article | Open Access | Published: 2 December 2016
Shifting Approaches to Planning Theory: Global North and South
Vanessa Watson
Article | Open Access | Published: 6 December 2016
Clumsy City by Design—A Theory for Jane Jacobs’ Imperfect Cities?
Sarah Maria Schmitt and Thomas Hartmann
Article | Open Access | Published: 7 December 2016
Using Systematic Observations to Understand Conditions that Promote Interracial Experiences in Neighbourhood Parks
Amy Hillier, Bing Han, Theodore S. Eisenman, Kelly R. Evenson, Thomas L. McKenzie and Deborah A. Cohen
Article | Open Access | Published: 9 December 2016
Assessing Threats and Conservation Status of Historical Centers of Oak Richness in California
Kelly Jane Easterday, Patrick J McIntyre, James H Thorne, Maria J Santos and Maggi Kelly
Article | Open Access | Published: 13 December 2016
Post-Colonial Urban Development and Planning in Cyprus: Shifting Visions and Realities of Early Suburbia
Byron Ioannou
Article | Open Access | Published: 23 December 2016
City Labs as Vehicles for Innovation in Urban Planning Processes
Christian Scholl and René Kemp
Article | Open Access | Published: 28 December 2016
Climate Change: Implications for the Assumptions, Goals and Methods of Urban Environmental Planning
Kristina Hill
Article | Open Access | Published: 29 December 2016