Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2976-0925

Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

Ocean and Society is an innovative peer-reviewed open access journal focused on the societal interactions with marine and coastal environments.

As an interdisciplinary journal, Ocean and Society brings together relevant studies in the multiple areas of marine and maritime social sciences, promoting both theoretical and empirical studies whether these studies are done on a global, regional, or local level.

We challenge scholars and researchers with an interest on the social, economic, administrative, cultural, and/or political relationship between society and the sea to produce material that further advances a scholarly discussion around the dynamic relationships between people and the marine environment.


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Unchecked Peer Reviewed


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Book Review

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Unchecked Peer Reviewed


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Unchecked Peer Reviewed


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Short Note

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

Manuscripts will undergo a very stringent double-blind peer-review process, where the identities of authors, reviewers and editors remain undisclosed in order to guarantee the highest quality of the journal. All manuscripts (except for Editorials, Commentaries, and Book Reviews) will be sent out for review and at least two review reports per manuscript will be collected. All reviewers will be carefully selected by the journal’s Editors for each submitted manuscript and must fulfill the following criteria:

  • Hold a PhD degree and/or be a recognized expert in the field;
  • Not have co-authored publications with the author(s) for the last 5 years;
  • Not be affiliated with the same institution as the author(s).

Even if, in principle, a double-blind peer-review system could allow this task to be performed by scholars who are acquainted with the authors, our Editorial Office still wishes reviews to be completed only by reviewers who do not have any recent professional contact with the authors in order to fully guarantee that there are no conflicts of interests and that reviews are indeed totally unbiased. Spontaneous applications from scholars to join the journal’s pool of reviewers will not be considered. All reviewers will be selected and invited by the Editorial Office to review manuscripts according to the field of expertise of the submissions received.

Reviewers will be asked to complete their review within three weeks, but are allowed to extend the review period in order to complete and submit their report. All relevant information for reviewers can be consulted in the Instructions for Reviewers.


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

All of our journals are open access, that is, they can be accessed free of charge by any reader, anywhere in the world, regardless of affiliation. This means that not only researchers backed by well-funded institutions, but also policy-makers, NGOs, journalists, practitioners, students, and an interested public have free access to the research articles. This increases the exposure gained by new works and allows them to be disseminated to a much wider audience than is possible through traditional subscription journals.

Open access publication also helps correct the information bias towards the developed world, where institutions are much more likely to have the resources to subscribe to journals than elsewhere. Cogitatio Press is committed to the democratisation of knowledge, and open access means that any researcher from any institution, anywhere in the world is able to access the full extent of our publications with no subscription fees.

Furthermore, unlike traditional journals, Cogitatio Press does not assume copyright for articles published through open access. This means that the authors retain the copyright to their own works and are free to distribute them as they wish. Once again, this allows authors to maximise the audience their works are able to reach, rather than tying them to a limited audience of subscribers.


Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

Cogitatio Press is committed to enforcing the most stringent publication ethics, and all parties involved in the publishing process of the journal (authors, editors, reviewers and publisher) are expected to agree to the highest standards of ethical behavior.

Publisher’s Responsibilities

The publisher is committed to the highest ethical and transparent publishing principles, and guarantees full integrity and professionalism in all its editorial processes. Cogitatio Press endorses the Code of Conduct established by the Committee on Publication Ethics ( and has a zero tolerance policy regarding plagiarism, fraudulent publication and scientific misconduct. To verify the originality of all work published by Cogitatio Press, all submissions are screened using a plagiarism detection system before being sent out for peer-review. All cases of alleged unethical behavior are taken very seriously by the publisher and an investigation will be initiated in consultation with the authors, editors and/or peer-reviewers, as appropriate. In cases of proven misconduct the publisher, in collaboration with the editors, will take all appropriate measures to amend the situation, and is always willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies when needed.

Editors’ responsibilities

The editor, an independent expert with a highly reputable academic record, is responsible for ensuring the quality of the material published in the journal and maintaining the integrity of its academic record. The editor shall rely solely on the quality and merit of the article as a criterion for publication, and act independently of the race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy of the authors. The editor also agrees not to disclose any information regarding submitted manuscripts to any other party or to use any part of the content on their own behalf.

Authors’ responsibilities

Authors are responsible for submitting original work for publication which has neither been previously published in English nor is under consideration elsewhere. The authors confirm that their work is the result of proper and ethical research conduct, that all data in articles is real and authentic, and that the use of any other authors’ work and/or words is duly cited or quoted. Authors shall guarantee that all those who have made significant contributions to the work are listed as co-authors, and to declare any potential acknowledgements and/or conflict of interests.

Reviewers’ responsibilities

Reviewers are responsible for evaluating manuscripts, assisting the editor in making editorial decisions and improving the quality of the articles published in the journal. Reviewers shall conduct their assessment in a timely and objective manner, avoiding any personal or unsupported criticisms. Reviewers agree not to disclose any information regarding the manuscript to any other party or to use any part of the content on their own behalf. If they wish to suggest other potential reviewers or to share the reviewing task with other colleagues they shall always inform the editor before making any contact with a third party. To guarantee a completely rigorous and unbiased review process, reviewers should not have any conflict of interests with respect to the research, the authors and/or the research funders.

Retraction Policy

Cogitatio Press values the integrity of scholarly research and is committed to ensuring that academic rigor is always achieved, and will investigate concerns raised by authors, readers, institutions, or academic editors in the event that said integrity is not being followed.

In line with standards developed by several library and scholarly bodies, and with the aim of guaranteeing the integrity of all articles rather than to punish the authors, articles may be retracted if:

  • There is evidence of plagiarism.
  • Major scientific errors occur, for example, evidence that the findings are unreliable, either through misconduct (e.g., fabrication or falsification of data) or honest error (e.g., experimental or serious methodological errors).
  • Unethical research is conducted, for example, include material/data that the authors were not given consent to (re)publish.
  • A third party’s intellectual property right is infringed.
  • Redundant publication (submitting the same manuscript to multiple journals without disclosure) takes place.
  • Inappropriate authorship (see COPE’s “What constitutes authorship?”) occurs.
  • Content is defamatory.

With the scientific community in mind, and after discussing the matter with the authors, Cogitatio Press will adopt the following procedures in the event that an article is retracted:

  • A retraction notice will appear on the article page, stating the reason(s) for the retraction. The title will read “[Retracted]: Title” and the retraction note will be placed right below.
  • The article will remain unchanged except for a red watermark on the .pdf indicating that the article has been retracted. In the table of contents it will read “[Retracted]: Title”, with the authors’ names below.
  • All parties involved, from the reviewers to the academic editors, will be notified of the retracted version.

Despite being a joint endeavor, if retraction is due to the actions of some, but not all, authors of a publication, the notice of retraction must clearly mention this.

Prolonged negotiations should not unreasonably delay retraction and the publisher should go ahead with retractions if consensus cannot be reached or in case the authors do not reply.

Authors may choose to request retraction of their own article, in which case they should email the journal.

Please note that Article Processing Charges (APCs) are not refundable if an article is retracted.


Publication Fees

Corresponding authors affiliated with any of our institutional members (over 90 institutions worldwide) publish free of charge. Otherwise, an article processing fee will be charged to the authors to cover editorial costs. Currently, the article processing charge (APC) for each manuscript accepted for publication after peer-review is as follows (Important note: APCs are subject to yearly updates):

  • Articles up to 8,000 words: €1250 (plus VAT if applicable)
  • Articles from 8,001 to 9,000 words: €1350 (plus VAT if applicable)
  • Editorials, Commentaries, and Book Reviews up to 2,000 words: Free of charge
  • Editorials, Commentaries, and Book Reviews from 2,001 to 3,000 words: €400 (plus VAT if applicable)
  • Short Notes up to 2,000 words: €1250 (plus VAT if applicable)
  • Short Notes from 2,001 to 3,000 words: €1350 (plus VAT if applicable)

The word count consists of the following elements: title of the manuscript, headings and subheadings, abstract and keywords, main text, text in tables, and authors' bios (references list not included).

The journal does not have any submission fees.

As an open access publisher, Cogitatio Press is committed to ensuring permanent and universal free access to all published articles, unlike closed-access journals which limit their readership to those able to pay subscription fees. This means that Cogitatio Press does not receive any income from either subscriptions or article views/downloads. As publishing is not without its costs, the journal needs to offset all production costs through article processing charges. These charges are used to finance the whole publication and archiving process, including peer review, editing, proof-reading and copy-editing, and hosting and maintenance of the journal archives. Without proper financing for such necessary expenses, the journal would be unable to provide the rigorous and professional service upon which we pride ourselves.

Here is a breakdown of how our APCs are used:

1. Journal Operations (journal support, submission system, platform development): 15%
2. Journal Publication (triaging, peer-review management, editorial assistance, copyediting, typesetting, proofreading, archiving): 52%
3. Marketing and Communication (PR & marketing activities): 10%
4. General (management, business costs, taxes): 8%
5. Discounts & Waivers: 10%
6. Surplus: 5%

Numerous universities and funding agencies allocate funds to cover article processing charges, and authors are advised to check with their departments and libraries if funds are available to cover open access publication costs. Authors affiliated with institutions that have joined our Membership Program can publish their articles totally free of charge.

Authors who demonstrate financial need and cannot afford the article processing charge can apply for a waiver during the abstract submission procedure (waiver requests during or after peer-review will not be considered). Requests will be assessed on a case-by-case basis and may be granted in cases of genuine need. Due to the numerous costs associated with open access publishing, Cogitatio Press can only accept to process a limited number of waived submissions per issue.


Institutional Memberships

The Cogitatio Press Institutional Membership allows authors to freely publish in any of our highly ranked open access journals.

The Institutional Membership consists of an annual flat fee paid by an institution to abolish APC payments by any affiliated authors who wish to publish their scientific work.

The membership covers all journals issued by Cogitatio Press:

As part of our ongoing commitment to equity and fairness in the publishing landscape, we developed our subscription rates to better reflect the financial capacity of each member institution. This is calculated through the member institution’s Country Human Development Index (HDI) and FTE (number of staff + students).

Institution FTE
(staff + students)
Country’s Human Development Index
Below .89Over .90
Up to 5,0001200 €1500 €
5,001–10,0001400 €1700 €
Over 10,0001600 €1900 €

This annual fee thus represents a very affordable option for institutions that want to offset the financial woes of their affiliated authors, enabling them to publish unlimited articles in open access. For reference, the highest membership fee always costs less than the lowest APCs for publishing two articles, ensuring you already start saving from your second publication onwards.

Joining Cogitatio Press’ Institutional Membership thus represents:

  • Reducing overall publication costs
  • Minimal bureaucracy (costs are covered without extra paperwork from your side)
  • Supporting independent open-access publishing
  • Empowering researchers to publish their work without financial barriers
  • Increasing the visibility and impact of your research through our communication channels and events

For first-hand feedback from our Members, please check out our 2023 I.M. webinar.

For any enquiries regarding the Institutional Membership program please reach out to us at [email protected]

UK institutions interested in signing an institutional membership agreement with Cogitatio Press should subscribe to the membership through Jisc's platform.

The following institutions have joined our Institutional Membership Program:



University of Melbourne: The University of Melbourne covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 1 January 2022.

University of New South Wales: The University of New South Wales covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 1 January 2024.

University of Western Australia: The University of Western Australia covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 30 April 2021.



Central European University: The Central European University covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 7 November 2023.

TU Wien: TU Wien covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 1 January 2024.

University of Innsbruck: The University of Innsbruck covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 28 September 2020.

University of Vienna: The University of Vienna covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 1 January 2024.

WU Vienna University of Economics and Business: WU Vienna University of Economics and Business covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 1 January 2024.



KU Leuven: KU Leuven covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 23 November 2020.

Vrije Universiteit Brussel: Vrije Universiteit Brussel covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 1 January 2025.



Simon Fraser University: Simon Fraser University covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is only valid for articles submitted through the journal's online system by 31 December 2024.

University of Guelph: The University of Guelph covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 13 June 2022.

University of Waterloo: The University of Waterloo covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 1 January 2022.

Western University: Western University covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 19 July 2016.

York University: York University covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 1 January 2023.



Finnish Institute of International Affairs: The Finnish Institute of International Affairs covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 13 October 2023.

Tampere University: Tampere University covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 11 June 2021.

University of Helsinki: The University of Helsinki covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 28 September 2018.

University of Jyväskylä: The University of Jyväskylä covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 11 October 2018.

University of Turku: The University of Turku covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 21 June 2019.



Bauhaus University: Bauhaus University covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 26 February 2018.

Bielefeld University: Bielefeld University covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 20 June 2017.

FernUniversität in Hagen: FernUniversität in Hagen covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 1 January 2025.

Freie Universität Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 1 April 2017.

Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg: Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 23 July 2018.

German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS): The German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 1 January 2024.

GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences: GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 1 January 2020.

Goethe University Frankfurt: Goethe University Frankfurt covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 2 February 2018.

HafenCity University Hamburg: HafenCity University Hamburg covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 1 January 2024.

Humboldt University Berlin: Humboldt University Berlin covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 1 January 2018.

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 4 August 2023.

Max Planck Society: The Max Planck Society covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of institutions of the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft e.V. or in which the MPG e.V. has at least 50% ownership. This agreement is valid as of 1 January 2023.

Technical University of Munich: The Technical University of Munich covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 22 November 2022.

Technische Universität Dresden: Technische Universität Dresden covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 23 April 2020.

TU Dortmund: TU Dortmund covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 20 January 2021 and only applies to articles that have no other sources of funding available - authors must contact the TU Dortmund Library ([email�protected]) in advance of submission.

University of Duisburg-Essen: The University of Duisburg-Essen covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 28 July 2023.

University of Leipzig: The University of Leipzig covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 1 January 2022.

University of Munster: The University of Munster covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 6 October 2020.


Hong Kong

The Chinese University of Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 1 January 2024.



Centre for Social Sciences: The Centre for Social Sciences covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 5 May 2020.



European University Institute: The European University Institute covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 20 July 2021.

Luiss: Luiss covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 21 December 2022.

University of Eastern Piedmont - Department of Law and Political, Economic and Social Sciences (DiGSPES): The Department of Law and Political, Economic and Social Sciences (DiGSPES) at the University of Eastern Piedmont covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 1 January 2024.

University of Milan: The University of Milan covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 19 January 2023.



Vytautas Magnus University: Vytautas Magnus University covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 1 January 2024.



Delft University of Technology: Delft University of Technology covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 10 January 2018.

Erasmus University Rotterdam: Erasmus University Rotterdam covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 11 June 2018.

Leiden University: Leiden University covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 1 January 2024.

Maastricht University: Maastricht University covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 1 January 2024.

Radboud University: Radboud University covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 15 October 2020.

Tilburg University: Tilburg University covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 20 March 2017.

University of Amsterdam: The University of Amsterdam covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 14 June 2017.

University of Groningen: The University of Groningen covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 1 June 2015.

University of Twente: The University of Twente covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 31 August 2020.

Utrecht University: Utrecht University covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 14 March 2022.

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 4 April 2017.



University of Agder: The University of Agder covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 2 September 2020.

University of Oslo: The University of Oslo covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 20 February 2018.



Collegium Civitas: Collegium Civitas covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 1 January 2024.

Gdańsk University of Technology - Faculty of Architecture: The Faculty of Architecture at Gdańsk University of Technology covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 23 April 2020.

Lodz University of Technology - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environment Engineering: The Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environment Engineering at Lodz University of Technology covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the faculty. This agreement is valid as of 1 January 2024.



Centro de Administração e Políticas Públicas (ISCSP-ULisboa): The Centro de Administração e Políticas Públicas (ISCSP-ULisboa) covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 1 January 2023.

ICNOVA - NOVA Institute of Communication: The ICNOVA (NOVA Institute of Communication) covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 21 April 2023.

University of Aveiro - DigiMedia Research Centre: The DigiMedia Research Centre at the University of Aveiro covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 1 January 2024.



Babeș-Bolyai University: Babeș-Bolyai University covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 1 January 2023.

University of Bucharest - Faculty of Journalism and Communication Studies: The Faculty of Journalism and Communication Studies at the University of Bucharest covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 1 January 2024.



University of Belgrade - Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory: The Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory at the University of Belgrade covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the faculty. This agreement is valid as of 1 January 2024.



Universidad Complutense de Madrid: Universidad Complutense de Madrid covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 1 January 2025.

Universidad Loyola Andalucía: Universidad Loyola Andalucía covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 1 January 2022.



Karlstad University: Karlstad University covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 7 June 2021.

Linköping University: Linköping University covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 27 June 2023.

Linnaeus University: Linnaeus University covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 1 January 2024.

Luleå University of Technology: Luleå University of Technology covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 1 January 2023.

Lund University: Lund University covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 1 January 2019.

Malmö University: Malmö University covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 1 January 2024.

Stockholm University: Stockholm University covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 25 June 2018.

Södertörn University: Södertörn University covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 17 February 2020.

Umeå University: Umeå University covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 1 January 2024.

University of Gothenburg: The University of Gothenburg covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 19 March 2020.

University of Gävle: The University of Gävle covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 1 September 2022.

Uppsala University: Uppsala University covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 1 January 2024.



ETH Zurich: ETH Zurich covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 20 April 2018.

HES-SO: HES-SO covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 3 October 2023.

University of Basel: The University of Basel covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 9 November 2016.

University of Geneva: The University of Geneva covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 27 January 2020.

University of Lausanne: The University of Lausanne covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 11 June 2018.

University of Lucerne: The University of Lucerne covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 10 July 2018.

University of Zurich: The University of Zurich covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 21 August 2020.

École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne: École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 24 March 2017.


United Kingdom

(Attention): UK institutions interested in signing an institutional membership agreement with Cogitatio Press should subscribe to the membership through Jisc's platform.

Architectural Association School of Architecture: The Architectural Association School of Architecture covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 1 January 2024.

Lancaster University: Lancaster University covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 10 June 2021.

Northumbria University: Northumbria University covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 12 December 2022.

Queen's University Belfast: Queen's University Belfast covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 1 January 2017.

Ulster University: Ulster University covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 1 January 2022.

University College London: University College London covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 20 October 2021.

University of Bath: The University of Bath covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 1 January 2024.

University of Birmingham: The University of Birmingham covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 23 June 2017.

University of Edinburgh: The University of Edinburgh covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 20 January 2022.

University of Manchester: The University of Manchester covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 8 February 2017.

University of Sheffield: The University of Sheffield covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 22 March 2022.

University of Stirling: The University of Stirling covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 15 September 2016.

University of Sussex: The University of Sussex covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 1 January 2023.

University of Warwick: The University of Warwick covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 9 September 2020.


United States

Macalester College: Macalester College covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 19 August 2014.

Michigan State University: Michigan State University covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 26 May 2020.

Northwestern University: Northwestern University covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 30 October 2023.

University of Iowa: The University of Iowa covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 5 April 2019.

University of Minnesota: The University of Minnesota covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 3 February 2023.

University of Texas at Austin: The University of Texas at Austin covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 10 November 2023.

Virginia Tech: Virginia Tech covers the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of the institution. This agreement is valid as of 1 September 2016.