Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2183-2439

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La Parra-Casado, Daniel, Department of Sociology, University of Alicante, Spain (Spain)
Laajalahti, Anne, Department of Language and Communication Studies, University of Jyväskylä, Finland (Finland)
Laaksonen, Salla-Maaria, Centre for Consumer Society Research, University of Helsinki, Finland (Finland)
Láb, Filip, Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic (Czech Republic)
Labio-Bernal, Aurora, Department of Journalism II, University of Seville, Spain (Spain)
Labio-Bernal, Aurora, Department of Journalism I, University of Seville, Spain (Spain)
Lacasa, Pilar, Department of Philology, Communication and Documentation, University of Alcalá, Spain (Spain)
Laenens, Willemien, Studies in Media, Innovation and Technology, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium (Belgium)
Lagrange, Babette, Ghent University, Belgium (Belgium)
Lai, Signe Sophus, Center for Tracking and Society, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (Denmark)
Laine, Antti, Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences, University of Jyväskylä, Finland (Finland)
Lalancette, Mireille, Department of Communication, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada (Canada)
Lampert, Claudia, Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut, Germany (Germany)
Lams, Lutgard, Faculty of Arts, KU Leuven – Brussels, Belgium (Belgium)
Landmann, Helen, Department of Community Psychology, FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany (Germany)
Landrum, Asheley R., College of Media and Communication, Texas Tech University, USA (United States)
Lang, Annie, Department of Telecommunications, Indiana University, USA (United States)
Laprise, John, Independent Scholar (United States)
Large, Adam M., Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin—Madison, USA (United States)
Larrañaga, Nekane, Department of Sociology and Social Work, University of the Basque Country, Spain (Spain)
Larraz, Irene, University of Navarra, Spain (Spain)
Larsen, Anna Grøndahl, Department of Journalism and Media Studies, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Norway (Norway)
Larsen, Leif Ove, Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen, Norway (Norway)
Latif, Jibril, Department of Mass Communications and Media, Gulf University for Science and Technology, Kuwait (Kuwait)
Latzer, Michael, Department of Communication and Media Research, University of Zurich, Switzerland (Switzerland)
Lauer, Laurens, Institute of Sociology, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany (Germany)
Lauk, Epp, Faculty of Humanities, University of Jyväskylä, Finland (Finland)
Lauk, Epp, Department of Language and Communication Studies, University of Jyväskylä, Finland (Finland)
Lauk, Epp, Institute of Social Studies, University of Tartu, Estonia / Department of Public Communications, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania (Estonia)
Lauk, Epp, Department of Communication, University of Jyväskylä, Finland (Finland)
Lauricella, Alexis R., Center on Media and Human Development, Northwestern University, 2147 Frances Searle Building, 2240 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208, USA (United States)
Lauricella, Alexis, Department of Communication, Northwestern University, USA (United States)
Le Coz, Ferdinand, University of Toulouse, France (France)
Le Dantec, Christopher A., Digital Media, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA (United States)
Le Dantec, Christopher A., School of Literature, Media and Communication, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA (United States)
Le-Phuong, Linh, Institute for Media Studies, KU Leuven, Belgium (Belgium)
Leaning, Marcus, School of Media and Film, University of Winchester, UK (United Kingdom)
Lecheler, Sophie, Department of Communication, University of Vienna, Austria (Austria)
Lee, Heejae, Newhouse School of Public Communications, Syracuse University, USA (United States)
Lee, Hyelim, Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Oklahoma, USA (United States)
Lee, Jee Young, News & Media Research Centre, University of Canberra, Australia (Australia)
Lee, Ju-Sung, Department of Media and Communication, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands (Netherlands)
Lee, Kewman M., Reading, Foundations and Technology, Missouri State University, USA (United States)
Lee, Sangwon, Department of Communication Studies, New Mexico State University, USA (United States)
Lee, Seungyoon, Brian Lamb School of Communication, Purdue University, USA (United States)
Lee, Taeyoung, School of Journalism and Media, University of Texas at Austin, USA (United States)
Lehtisaari, Katja, Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences, Tampere University, Finland (Finland)
Leidig, Eviane Cheng, Center for Research on Extremism, University of Oslo, Norway (Norway)
Leihs, Nadia, Independent Researcher, Germany (Germany)
Leleux, Charles, Centre for Research into Information, Surveillance and Privacy, Stirling Management School, University of Stirling, UK (United Kingdom)
Lemahieu, Laura, Department of Communication Studies, University of Antwerp, Belgium (Belgium)
León, Bienvenido, School of Communication, University of Navarra, Spain (Spain)
Leote de Carvalho, Maria João, Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences (CICS.NOVA), NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Portugal (Portugal)
Lepa, Steffen, Audio Communication Group, TU Berlin, Germany (Germany)
Leppänen, Leo, Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki, Finland (Finland)
Lesage, Frédérik, School of Communication, Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Drive, V5A 1S6 Burnaby, Canada (Canada)
Leßmöllmann, Annette, Department for Science Communication, Institute of Technology Futures, Karlsruhe Institute for Technology, Germany (Germany)
Lettkemann, Eric, Institute of Sociology, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany (Germany)
Leurs, Koen, Graduate Gender Programme, Department of Media and Culture Studies, Utrecht University, The Netherlands (Netherlands)
Leurs, Koen, Department of Media and Culture Studies, Utrecht University, The Netherlands (Netherlands)
Lev-On, Azi, School of Communication, Ariel University, Israel (Israel)
Levitt, Lauren, Department of Communication, Tulane University, USA (United States)
Lewis, Rebecca, Department of Communication, Stanford University, USA (United States)
Lewis, Seth C., School of Journalism and Communication, University of Oregon, USA (United States)
Leyn, Tom De, School of Social Sciences, Hasselt University, Belgium / imec-mict-ugent, Ghent University, Belgium (Belgium)
Li, Lina, Film–Television and Communication College, Shanghai Normal University, China (China)
Li, Lina, College of Film-Television and Communication, Shanghai Normal University, China (China)
Li, Lu-Yi, Graduate Institute of Journalism, National Taiwan University, Taiwan (Taiwan, Province of China)
Li, Xiaojun, School of Journalism and Communication, Beijing Normal University, China / School of Journalism and Communication, Anhui University, China (China)
Li, Yongjian, Department of Media and Communication, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands (Netherlands)
Li, Yubin, School of Journalism and Communication, Nanjing Normal University, China (China)
Li, Zhongwei, School of Media and Communication, University of Leeds, UK (United Kingdom)
Lidskog, Rolf, School of Humanities, Educational and Social Sciences, Örebro University, Sweden (Sweden)
Liebhart, Karin, Department of Political Science, University of Vienna, Austria (Austria)
Lievens, Eva, Law and Technology Research Group, Ghent University, Belgium (Belgium)
Lilleker, Darren, Department of Media and Communication, Bournemouth University, UK (United Kingdom)
Limov, Brad, School of Journalism and Media, The University of Texas at Austin, USA (United States)
Lindell, Johan, Department of Geography, Media and Communication, Karlstad University, Sweden (Sweden)
Lindén, Carl-Gustav, Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen, Norway (Norway)
Lindén, Carl-Gustav, Swedish School of Social Science, University of Helsinki, Finland (Finland)
Lindgren, Mia, School of Media, Film and Journalism, Monash University, Australia (Australia)
Lindner, Peggy, Department of Information Science Technology, University of Houston, USA (United States)
Ling, Rich, Wee Kim Wee School of Communication, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (Singapore)
Lipman, Terri, School of Nursing, University of Pennsylvania, USA (United States)
Lippert, Randy K, Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminology, University of Windsor, Canada (Canada)
Literat, Ioana, Teachers College, Columbia University, USA (United States)
Litvinenko, Anna, Institute for Media and Communication Studies, FU Berlin, Germany (Germany)
Litvinenko, Anna, Institute for Media and Communication Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany (Germany)
Litvinenko, Anna, Institute for Media and Communication Studies, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany (Germany)
Liu, Jianping, School of Journalism and Communication, Minjiang University, China (China)
Liu, Juan, School of Media and Design, Beijing Technology and Business University, China (China)
Liu, Ruibo, Department of Computer Science, Dartmouth College, USA (United States)
Liu, Shaoqiang, School of Journalism and Communication, Beijing Normal University, China (China)
Liu, Xinchen, School of Journalism and Communication, Yangzhou University, China (China)
Livingstone, Sonia, Department of Media and Communications, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK (United Kingdom)
Llorente-Barroso, Carmen, Faculty of Information Sciences, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain (Spain)
Llorente-Barroso, Carmen, Department of Applied Communication Studies, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain (Spain)
Lobigs, Frank, TU Dortmund, Germany (Germany)
Loecherbach, Felicia, Department of Communication Science, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Netherlands)
Löfmarck, Erik, School of Humanities, Educational and Social Sciences, Örebro University, Sweden (Sweden)

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