Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2183-2439

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Sjøvaag, Helle, University of Stavanger, Norway (Norway)
Skleparis, Dimitris, School of Geography, Politics and Sociology, Newcastle University, UK (United Kingdom)
Skulte, Ilva, Faculty of Communication, Riga Stradiņš University, Latvia (Latvia)
Smejkal, Klára, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University, Czech Republic (Czech Republic)
Smets, Annelien, imec-SMIT, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium (Belgium)
Smirnova, Svetlana, Department of Media and Communications, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK (United Kingdom)
Smit, Alex, Centre for Media and Journalism Studies, University of Groningen, The Netherlands (Netherlands)
Smit, Alexander, Centre for Media and Journalism Studies, University of Groningen, The Netherlands (Netherlands)
Smith, Colin, Centre for Social Informatics, Edinburgh Napier University, UK (United Kingdom)
Smith, Màiri E., Centre for Science Studies, Aarhus University, Denmark (Denmark)
Smoliarova, Anna, School of Journalism and Mass Communications, St. Petersburg State University, Russia (Russian Federation)
Smyth, Peter, Cathie Marsh Institute for Social Research, University of Manchester, UK (United Kingdom)
Snoeck, Monique, Leuven Institute for Research on Information Systems (LIRIS), Faculty of Economy and Business, KU Leuven, Belgium (Belgium)
Somerville, Ian, School of Media, Communication and Sociology, University of Leicester, UK (United Kingdom)
Somfalvy, Esther, Department of Politics and Economics, Research Centre for East European Studies at the University of Bremen, Germany (Germany)
Somfalvy, Esther, Research Centre for East European Studies at the University of Bremen, Germany (Germany)
Sompel, Dieneke Van de, Department of Communication Sciences, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, Belgium / Department of Marketing, Innovation and Organization, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Ghent University, Belgium (Belgium)
Sorce, Giuliana, Institute of Media Studies, University of Tübingen, Germany (Germany)
Sörensen, Isabel, Department of Communication and Media Research, University of Zurich, Switzerland (Switzerland)
Sorice, Michele, Centre for Conflict and Participation Studies, LUISS University, Italy (Italy)
Sormanen, Niina, Department of Communication, University of Jyväskylä, Finland (Finland)
Sousa, Carla, Centre for Research in Applied Communication, Culture, and New Technologies, Lusófona University, Portugal (Portugal)
Sousa, Carla, Centre for Research in Applied Communication, Culture, and New Technologies (CICANT), Lusófona University, Portugal (Portugal)
Spencer-Smith, Charlotte, Department of Communication Studies, Paris Lodron University of Salzburg, Austria (Austria)
Spires, Hiller A., Department of Teacher Education and Learning Sciences, North Carolina State University, USA (United States)
Splendore, Sergio, Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Milan, Italy (Italy)


Šramová, Blandína, Faculty of Multimedia Communications, Tomáš Bata University, Czech Republic (Czech Republic)


Sseviiri, Hakimu, Department of Geography, Geoinformatics and Climatic Sciences, Makerere University, Uganda / United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network, Uganda / Urban Action Lab, Makerere University, Uganda / Glocal Progressive Goals, Uganda (Uganda)
Stachyra, Grażyna, Institute of Communication and Media Studies, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland (Poland)
Stakle, Alnis, Faculty of Communication, Riga Stradiņš University, Latvia (Latvia)
Staksrud, Elisabeth, Department of Media and Communication, University of Oslo, Norway (Norway)
Standaert, Olivier, Louvain School of Journalism, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium (Belgium)
Stark, Birgit, Department of Communication, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany (Germany)
Stauff, Markus, Media Studies Department, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Netherlands)
Steensen, Steen, Department of Journalism and Media Studies, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway (Norway)


Ștefănel, Adriana, Department of Cultural Anthropology and Communication, University of Bucharest, Romania (Romania)


Štefaniková, Sandra, Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic (Czech Republic)


Steffens, Jochen, Media Department, University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf, Germany (Germany)
Steiger, Stefan, Institute of Political Science, Heidelberg University, Germany (Germany)
Steiner, Miriam, Department of Communication, Johannes Gutenberg University, Germany (Germany)
Steinfeld, Nili, School of Communication, Ariel University, Israel (Israel)
Stephansen, Hilde C., Department of History, Sociology and Criminology, University of Westminster, UK (United Kingdom)
Stephens, Elizabeth J., School of Business and Creative Industries, University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia (Australia)
Stepnik, Agata, Media and Communication, The University of Sydney, Australia (Australia)
Steppat, Desiree, Department of Communication and Media Research, University of Zurich, Switzerland (Switzerland)
Stevens, Robin, School of Nursing, University of Pennsylvania, USA (United States)
Stieglitz, Stefan, Department of Computer Science and Applied Cognitive Science, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany (Germany)
Stock, Moritz, Collaborative Research Center “Media of Cooperation”, University of Siegen, Germany (Germany)
Stoica, Mihnea S., Department of Communication, Public Relations, and Advertising, Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania (Romania)
Stoilova, Mariya, Department of Media and Communications, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK (United Kingdom)
Stoltenberg, Daniela, Institute for Media and Communication Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany (Germany)
Stornaiuolo, Amy, Literacy, Culture, and International Education, University of Pennsylvania, USA (United States)
Strippel, Christian, Institute for Media and Communication Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany (Germany)
Strömbäck, Jesper, Department of Journalism, Media and Communication, University of Gothenburg, Sweden (Sweden)
Strycharz, Joanna, Amsterdam School of Communication Research, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Netherlands)
Suau, Jaume, Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations, Ramon Llull University, Spain (Spain)
Subramaniam, Mega, College of Information Studies, University of Maryland, USA (United States)
Suetzl, Wolfgang, School of Media Arts and Studies, Ohio University, Athens, USA (United States)
Suhonen, Johanna, Media and Communication Studies, University of Helsinki, Finland (Finland)
Suhr, Maike, Faculty of Media, Bauhaus‐Universität Weimar, Germany (Germany)
Suhr, Maike, Faculty of Media, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany (Germany)
Suiter, Jane, School of Communications, Dublin City University, Ireland (Ireland)
Sumiala, Johanna, School of Communication, Media and Theatre, University of Tampere, Finland (Finland)
Suminas, Andrius, Faculty of Communication, Vilnius University, Lithuania (Lithuania)
Suna, Laura, Institute for Media and Communication Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany (Germany)
Supa, Markéta, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Czech Republic (Czech Republic)
Surugiu, Romina, Faculty of Journalism and Communication Studies, University of Bucharest, Romania (Romania)
Surugiu, Romina, Department of Cultural Anthropology and Communication, University of Bucharest, Romania (Romania)
Susi, Tarja, Division of Game Development, University of Skövde, Sweden (Sweden)
Suzor, Nicolas, Digital Media Research Centre, Queensland University of Technology, Australia / School of Law, Queensland University of Technology, Australia (Australia)


Švecová, Magdaléna, Faculty of Mass Media Communication, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, Slovakia (Slovakia)


Svensson, Jakob, School of Arts & Communication (K3), Malmö University, Sweden (Sweden)
Swart, Joëlle, Centre for Media and Journalism Studies, University of Groningen, The Netherlands (Netherlands)
Syahputra, Iswandi, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University, Indonesia (Indonesia)
Syvertsen, Trine, Department of Media and Communication, University of Oslo, Norway (Norway)
Szabo, Victoria, Art, Art History & Visual Studies, Duke University, USA (United States)
Szambolics, Julia, Department of Communication, Public Relations, and Advertising, Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania (Romania)
Szávai, Petra, Mertek Media Monitor, Hungary / Doctoral School of Linguistics, University of Pécs, Hungary (Hungary)
Székely, Iván, Eotvos Karoly Policy Institute, Hungary (Hungary)
Szurmiński, Łukasz, Faculty of Journalism, Information and Book Studies, University of Warsaw, Poland (Poland)

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