Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2183-2463


Issue in Progress: This thematic issue is under way and articles will be made available as they are ready, prior to the issue's official release.

Cover Page

Gender Equality Reforms in Parliaments

Open Access

Academic Editors: Petra Ahrens (Tampere University) and Sonia Palmieri (Australian National University)


Table of Contents

Gender Sensitizing Parliaments: Reflections on Becoming a Feminist Academic Critical Actor
Sarah Childs
Article | Open Access | Published: 9 May 2024
From Parliament to Party: The Gender‐Sensitive Parliamentary Group
Petra Ahrens and Petra Meier
Article | Open Access | Ahead of Print | Last Modified: 21 May 2024
The Power of Norms: Gender Equality Reforms in the Parliaments of Fiji and Samoa
Kerryn Baker and Sonia Palmieri
Article | Open Access | Published: 28 May 2024
Autocratic Genderwashing: Gender‐Equality Reforms in Serbia
Jelena Lončar
Article | Open Access | Published: 28 May 2024
Adverse Contagion? Populist Radical Right Parties and Norms on Gender Balance in Political Institutions
Josefina Erikson and Cecilia Josefsson
Article | Open Access | Published: 28 May 2024
Beyond Rhetoric: The European Parliament as a Workplace for Parents and Current Reform Debates
Elena Frech and Sophie Kopsch
Article | Open Access | Published: 19 June 2024
Insiders and Outsiders: Feminists in the Academy Influencing Gender‐Sensitive Parliamentary Change
Natalie Barr, Maria Maley and Sonia Palmieri
Article | Open Access | Published: 24 June 2024
Parliament as a Workplace: Dilemmas of Vernacularisation and Professionalisation
Mouli Banerjee and Shirin M. Rai
Article | Open Access | Published: 24 July 2024
Methodological Reflections on Studying Gender‐Sensitive Parliaments Cross‐Nationally: A “Most Significant Change” Approach
Petra Ahrens, Silvia Erzeel and Merel Fieremans
Article | Open Access | Ahead of Print | Last Modified: 25 July 2024
Gender, Intraparty Competition, and the Substantive Focus of Parliamentary Questions in South Africa
Ana Espírito-Santo, Edalina Rodrigues Sanches and Yani Kartalis
Article | Open Access | Published: 25 July 2024