Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2183-2463


2024 [-]

The Geoeconomic Turn in International Trade, Investment, and Technology

Academic Editors: Milan Babić (Roskilde University), Nana de Graaff (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Lukas Linsi (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen), and Clara Weinhardt (Maastricht University)

Unpolitics: The Role of Populist Governments in EU Decision-Making

Academic Editors: Ariadna Ripoll Servent (University of Salzburg) and Natascha Zaun (Leuphana University of Lüneburg)

Gender Equality Reforms in Parliaments

Academic Editors: Petra Ahrens (Tampere University) and Sonia Palmieri (Australian National University)

How Political Issues Shape Social Media Campaigns for National Elections

Academic Editors: Márton Bene (HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences), Jörg Haßler (LMU Munich), and Melanie Magin (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)

Indonesian Heroes and Villains: National Identity, Politics, Law, and Security

Academic Editors: Nathan Franklin (Charles Darwin University) and Hans Hägerdal (Linnaeus University)

Considering Future Generations in Democratic Governance

Academic Editors: Yasuko Kameyama (University of Tokyo) and Tomohiro Tasaki (National Institute for Environmental Studies)

From New to Indispensable? How Has the 2004 “Big Bang” Enlargement Reshaped EU’s Power Balance

Academic Editors: Matej Navrátil (Comenius University) and Marko Lovec (University of Ljuljana)

The Political Representation and Participation of Migrants

Academic Editors: Sergiu Gherghina (University of Glasgow) and Sorina Soare (University of Florence)

From Kabul to Kyiv: The Crisis of Liberal Interventionism and the Return of War

Academic Editors: Cornelia Baciu (University of Copenhagen), Falk Ostermann (Kiel University), and Wolfgang Wagner (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

Active Labour Market Policies and Youth Employment in European Peripheries

Academic Editors: Francisco Simões (ISCTE—University Institute of Lisbon) and Jale Tosun (Heidelberg University)

Arctic Regional Governance: Actors and Transformations

Academic Editor: Anastassia Obydenkova (Institute for Economic Analysis—Spanish Council for Scientific Research; IAE—CSIC)

The Decline of Economic and Political Freedom After Covid-19: A New Authoritarian Dawn? In Progress

Academic Editor: Christopher A. Hartwell (ZHAW School of Management and Law / Kozminski University)

Challenging Democracy: How Do Ideas of Populists and Disenchanted Citizens Align? In Progress

Academic Editors: Reinhard Heinisch (University of Salzburg) and Oscar Mazzoleni (University of Lausanne)

2023 [-]

Governing the EU Polycrisis: Institutional Change After the Pandemic and the War in Ukraine

Academic Editors: Edoardo Bressanelli (Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies) and David Natali (Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies)

Economic Security and the Politics of Trade and Investment Policy in Europe

Academic Editors: Guri Rosén (Oslo Metropolitan University) and Sophie Meunier (Princeton University)

Comparative Fiscal Federalism and the Post-Covid EU: Between Debt Rules and Borrowing Power

Academic Editors: Sergio Fabbrini (LUISS University), Tiziano Zgaga (University of Konstanz), and Tomasz P. Woźniakowski (University of Wrocław / LUISS University)

United in Uniqueness? Lessons From Canadian Politics for European Union Studies

Academic Editors: Johannes Müller Gómez (Université de Montréal / Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich), Lori Thorlakson (University of Alberta), and Alexander Hoppe (Utrecht University)

Publics in Global Politics

Academic Editors: Janne Mende (Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law) and Thomas Müller (Bielefeld University)

The Causes and Modes of European Disintegration

Academic Editors: Martijn Huysmans (Utrecht University) and Sven Van Kerckhoven (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)

Local Self-Governance and Weak Statehood: A Convincing Liaison?

Academic Editors: Antje Daniel (University of Vienna), Hans-Joachim Lauth (Würzburg University), and Eberhard Rothfuß (University of Bayreuth)

Hate Speech, Demonization, Polarization, and Political Social Responsibility

Academic Editors: Luis M. Romero-Rodríguez (Rey Juan Carlos University), Pedro Cuesta-Valiño (University of Alcalá), and Bárbara Castillo-Abdul (Rey Juan Carlos University)

The European Union and International Regime Complexes

Academic Editors: Tom Delreux (University of Louvain) and Joseph Earsom (University of Louvain)

Re-Embedding Trade in the Shadow of Populism

Academic Editors: Kevin Kolben (Rutgers Business School) and Michèle Rioux (Université du Québec à Montreal)

Women Opposition Leaders: Pathways, Patterns, and Performance

Academic Editors: Sarah C. Dingler (University of Innsbruck), Ludger Helms (University of Innsbruck), and Henriette Müller (New York University Abu Dhabi)

Democratic Backsliding and Organized Interests in Central and Eastern Europe

Academic Editors: Michael Dobbins (University of Konstanz) and Rafael Labanino (University of Konstanz)

2022 [-]

Negative Politics: Leader Personality, Negative Campaigning, and the Oppositional Dynamics of Contemporary Politics

Academic Editors: Alessandro Nai (University of Amsterdam), Diego Garzia (University of Lausanne), Loes Aaldering (Free University Amsterdam), Frederico Ferreira da Silva (University of Lausanne), and Katjana Gattermann (University of Amsterdam)

The Role of Religions and Conspiracy Theories in Democratic and Authoritarian Regimes

Academic Editors: Oliver Hidalgo (University of Münster) and Alexander Yendell (Leipzig University)

Gender and Illiberalism in Post-Communist Europe

Academic Editors: Matthijs Bogaards (Central European University) and Andrea Pető (Central European University)

Exploring Climate Policy Ambition

Academic Editors: Elina Brutschin (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis) and Marina Andrijevic (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis)

Legitimacy and Global Economic Ties

Academic Editors: Nienke de Deugd (University of Groningen) and Gerda van Roozendaal (University of Groningen)

Constructing Ocean and Polar Governance

Academic Editors: Dorothea Wehrmann (German Institute of Development and Sustainability) and Hubert Zimmermann (Philipps University of Marburg)

Re-Visioning Borders: Europe and Beyond

Academic Editors: Artur Gruszczak (Jagiellonian University) and Roderick Parkes (German Council on Foreign Relations)

Out With the Old, In With the New? Explaining Changing EU–US Relations

Academic Editors: Marianne Riddervold (Inland Norway University / University of California - Berkeley) and Akasemi Newsome (University of California - Berkeley / Inland Norway University)

Developing Countries and the Crisis of the Multilateral Order

Academic Editors: Wil Hout (Erasmus University Rotterdam) and Michal Onderco (Erasmus University Rotterdam / Peace Research Center Prague)

Carbon Pricing Under Pressure: Withering Markets?

Academic Editors: Jørgen Wettestad (Fridtjof Nansen Institute) and Lars H. Gulbrandsen (Fridtjof Nansen Institute)

Analyzing Citizen Engagement with European Politics Through Social Media

Academic Editors: Pieter de Wilde (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), Astrid Rasch (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), and Michael Bossetta (Lund University)

Beyond Foreign Policy? EU Sanctions at the Intersection of Development, Trade, and CFSP

Academic Editors: Katharina Meissner (University of Vienna) and Clara Portela (University of Valencia)

2021 [-]

Secessionism in Liberal Democracies: What Do We Really Know About the Explanations of Secessionism?

Academic Editors: Ferran Requejo (Pompeu Fabra University, Spain) and Marc Sanjaume-Calvet (Pompeu Fabra University, Spain / Open University of Catalonia, Spain)

Right-Wing Populist Party Organisation Across Europe: The Survival of the Mass-Party?

Academic Editors: Daniele Albertazzi (University of Surrey, UK) and Stijn van Kessel (Queen Mary University of London, UK)

Migration and Refugee Flows: New Insights

Academic Editors: Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso (University of Göttingen, Germany / Jaume I University, Spain)

Climate Change and Security

Academic Editors: Yasuko Kameyama (National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan) and Yukari Takamura (University of Tokyo, Japan)

Climate Governance and the European Green Deal in Turbulent Times

Academic Editors: Claire Dupont (Ghent University, Belgium) and Diarmuid Torney (Dublin City University, Ireland)

Reactionary Politics and Resentful Affect in Populist Times

Academic Editors: Tereza Capelos (University of Birmingham, UK), Stavroula Chrona (King's College London, UK), Mikko Salmela (University of Helsinki, Finland / University of Copenhagen, Denmark) and Cristiano Bee (Oxford Brookes University, UK)

Rising to a Challenge? Ten Years of Parliamentary Accountability of the European Semester

Academic Editors: Eric Miklin (University of Salzburg, Austria), Aleksandra Maatsch (University of Wroclaw, Poland) and Tomasz P. Woźniakowski (Hertie School, Germany)

Resilient Institutions: The Impact of Rule Change on Policy Outputs in European Union Decision-Making Processes

Academic Editors: Ariadna Ripoll Servent (University of Salzburg, Austria) and Angela Tacea (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)

Steering in Governance: Evolutionary Perspectives

Academic Editors: Kristof Van Assche (University of Alberta, Canada) and Raoul Beunen (Open University of the Netherlands/Wageningen University, The Netherlands)

The Politics, Promise and Peril of Ranked Choice Voting

Academic Editor: Caroline Tolbert (University of Iowa, USA)

Reforming the Institutions of Eurozone Governance

Academic Editors: Anna-Lena Högenauer (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg), David Howarth (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg) and Moritz Rehm (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)

Is There a New Climate Politics? Emergency, Engagement and Justice

Academic Editors: Anna R. Davies (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland), Stephan Hügel (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland) and Vanessa Castán Broto (University of Sheffield, UK)

Access or Excess? Redefining the Boundaries of Transparency in the EU’s Decision-Making

Academic Editors: Camille Kelbel (Lille Catholic University, France), Axel Marx (University of Leuven, Belgium) and Julien Navarro (Lille Catholic University, France)

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Transformative Change through Sustainable Development Goals?

Academic Editors: Thomas Hickmann (University of Utrecht, The Netherlands), Markus Lederer (Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany), Jens Marquardt (Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany), Sandra Schwindenhammer (Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany) and Sabine Weiland (Catholic University of Lille, France)

What Brexit Means for Europe: EU Institutions and Actors after the British Referendum

Academic Editors: Edoardo Bressanelli (Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, Italy) and Nicola Chelotti (Loughborough University London, UK)

2020 [-]

Varieties of Technocratic Populism around the World

Academic Editors: Petra Guasti (Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic) and Lenka Buštíková (Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic / Arizona State University, USA)

The Politics of Disaster Governance

Academic Editors: Dorothea Hilhorst (Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands), Kees Boersma (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands) and Emmanuel Raju (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)

Leadership and Political Change in Asia-Pacific

Academic Editors:David Hudson (University of Birmingham, UK), Nicolas Lemay-Hébert (Australian National University, Australia), Claire Mcloughlin (University of Birmingham, UK) and Chris Roche (La Trobe University, Australia)

Rediscovering Nordic Cooperation

Academic Editors: Anne Elizabeth Stie (University of Agder, Norway) and Jarle Trondal (University of Agder, Norway / ARENA University of Oslo, Norway)

Trans* Politics: Current Challenges and Contestations

Academic Editors: Mieke Verloo (Radboud University, The Netherlands) and Anna van der Vleuten (Radboud University, The Netherlands)

Politics and (Self-)Organisation of Electricity System Transitions in a Global North–South Perspective

Academic Editors: Eberhard Rothfuß (University of Bayreuth, Germany) and Festus Boamah (University of Bayreuth, Germany)

Civil Society Elites

Academic Editors: Håkan Johansson (Lund University, Sweden) and Anders Uhlin (Lund University, Sweden)

Populism and Polarization: A Dual Threat to Europe’s Liberal Democracies?

Academic Editors: Jonas Linde (University of Bergen, Norway), Marlene Mauk (GESIS—Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Germany) and Heidi Schulze (GESIS—Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Germany)

Policy Debates and Discourse Network Analysis

Academic Editor: Philip Leifeld (University of Essex, UK)

Fighting Corruption in the Developed World: Dimensions, Patterns, Remedies

Academic Editors: Fabrizio Di Mascio (University of Turin, Italy) and Simona Piattoni (University of Trento, Italy)

Quantifying Higher Education: Governing Universities and Academics by Numbers

Academic Editors: Maarten Hillebrandt (University of Helsinki, Finland) and Michael Huber (University of Bielefeld, Germany)

Politicization of EU Trade Policy across Time and Space

Academic Editors: Dirk De Bièvre (Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium), Oriol Costa (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain), Patricia Garcia-Duran (University of Barcelona, Spain) and Leif Johan Eliasson (East Stroundsburg University, USA)

Leadership, Populism and Power

Academic Editor: Cristine de Clercy (Western University, Canada)

Political Behavior in the EU Multi-Level System

Academic Editors: Daniela Braun (Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Germany), Martin Gross (Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Germany) and Berthold Rittberger (Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Germany)

2019 [-]

Trade-Offs in the Political Realm: How Important Are Trade-Offs in Politics?

Academic Editors: Todd Landman (University of Nottingham, UK) and Hans-Joachim Lauth (University of Wuerzburg, Germany)

New Perspectives on Food Democracy

Academic Editors: Basil Bornemann (University of Basel, Switzerland) and Sabine Weiland (Université Catholique de Lille, France)

Out of the Shadows, Into the Limelight: Parliaments and Politicisation

Academic Editors: Christine Neuhold (Maastricht University, The Netherlands) and Guri Rosén (University of Oslo, Norway)

Rethinking Representation: Representative Claims in Global Perspective

Academic Editors: Petra Guasti and Brigitte Geissel (Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany)

The Impact of Brexit on EU Policies

Academic Editors: Ferdi De Ville (Ghent University, Belgium) and Gabriel Siles-Brügge (University of Warwick, UK)

The Politics, Promise and Peril of Direct Democracy

Academic Editor: Todd Donovan (Western Washington University, USA)

Aid Impact and Effectiveness

Academic Editors: Rachel M. Gisselquist and Finn Tarp (UNU-WIDER, Finland)

EU Energy Policy: Towards a Clean Energy Transition?

Academic Editors: Kacper Szulecki and Dag Harald Claes  (University of Oslo, Norway)

2018 [-]

Interdisciplinary Approaches to Studying Emotions within Politics and International Relations

Academic Editors: Alex Prior and Yuri van Hoef (University of Leeds, UK)

Big Data Applications in Governance and Policy

Academic Editors: Sarah Giest (Leiden University, The Netherlands) and Reuben Ng (National University of Singapore, Singapore)

The Feminist Project under Threat in Europe

Academic Editors: Mieke Verloo (Radboud University, The Netherlands) and David Paternotte (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)

Authoritarianism in the 21st Century

Academic Editor: Natasha Ezrow (University of Essex, UK)

Global Cybersecurity: New Directions in Theory and Methods

Academic Editor: Tim Stevens (King's College London, UK)

Co-Producing Urban Governance for Social Innovation

Academic Editor: Liz Richardson (University of Manchester, UK)

Why Choice Matters: Revisiting and Comparing Measures of Democracy

Academic Editors: Heiko Giebler (WZB Berlin Social Science Center, Germany, Saskia P. Ruth (German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Germany) and Dag Tanneberg (University of Potsdam, Germany)

2017 [-]

Populism and the Remaking of (Il)Liberal Democracy in Europe

Academic Editors: Lars Rensmann (University of Groningen, The Netherlands), Sarah de Lange (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands) and Stefan Couperus (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)

Labour Standards in a Global Environment

Academic Editors: Gerda Van Roozendaal (University of Groningen, The Netherlands) and Jan Orbie (Ghent University, Belgium)

Narratives of Global Order

Academic Editors: Matthew Levinger (George Washington University, USA) and Laura Roselle (Elon University, USA)

EU Institutional Politics of Secrecy and Transparency in Foreign Affairs

Academic Editors: Vigjilenca Abazi and Johan Adriaensen (Maastricht University, The Netherlands)

Multidisciplinary Studies in Politics and Governance

Academic Editors: Amelia Hadfield (Canterbury Christ Church University, UK), Andrej J. Zwitter (University of  Groningen, The Netherlands), Christian Haerpfer (University of Vienna, Austria), Kseniya Kizilova (Institute for Comparative Survey Research, Austria) and Naim Kapucu (University of Central Florida, USA)

Legitimization of Private and Public Regulation: Past and Present

Academic Editors: Klaus Dieter Wolf (Peace Research Institute Frankfurt, Germany), Peter Collin (Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, Germany) and Melanie Coni-Zimmer (Peace Research Institute Frankfurt, Germany)

2016 [-]

Disaster Policies and Governance: Promoting Community Resilience

Academic Editors: Naim Kapucu (University of Central Florida, USA) and Abdul-Akeem Sadiq (Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis, USA)

Multidisciplinary Studies in Politics and Governance

Academic Editors: Amelia Hadfield (Canterbury Christ Church University, UK), Andrej J. Zwitter (University of Groningen, The Netherlands), Christian Haerpfer (University of Vienna, Austria) and Kseniya Kizilova (Institute for Comparative Survey Research, Austria)

Climate Governance and the Paris Agreement

Academic Editors: Jon Hovi and Tora Skodvin (University of Oslo, Norway)

Supranational Institutions and Governance in an Era of Uncertain Norms

Academic Editors: Russell Alan Williams (Memorial University, Canada) and Reeta Tremblay (University of Victoria, Canada)

New Approaches to Political Leadership

Academic Editor: Mark Bennister (Canterbury Christ Church University, UK)

How Different Were the European Elections of 2014?

Academic Editors: Wouter van der Brug, Katjana Gattermann and Claes de Vreese (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

2015 [-]

Mass Atrocity Prevention (Part II)

Academic Editor: Karen E. Smith (London School of Economics and Political Science, UK)

Mass Atrocity Prevention (Part I)

Academic Editor: Karen E. Smith (London School of Economics and Political Science, UK)

Multidisciplinary Studies in Politics and Governance

Academic Editors: Amelia Hadfield (Canterbury Christ Church University, UK), and Andrej J. Zwitter (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)

The Role of Expert Knowledge in EU Executive Institutions

Academic Editors: Åse Gornitzka and Cathrine Holst (University of Oslo, Norway)

2014 [-]

Multidisciplinary Studies in Politics and Governance

Academic Editors: Amelia Hadfield (Canterbury Christ Church University, UK), and Andrej J. Zwitter (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)

Multidisciplinary Studies in Politics and Governance

Academic Editors: Amelia Hadfield (Canterbury Christ Church University, UK), and Andrej J. Zwitter (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)

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