Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2183-7635

Urban Planning Journal Cover

Urban Planning (ISSN: 2183-7635) is an international, peer-reviewed open access journal of urban studies aimed at advancing understandings and ideas of humankind’s habitats — villages, towns, cities, megacities — in order to promote progress and quality of life.

Open Access: free to read and share, with an article processing charge for accepted papers to offset production costs (more details here).

Indexing: Web of Science (ESCI), Scopus, and other databases.

Prevailing Issues and Actions in Urban Best Practices Across Latin America and the Caribbean
Fabio Capra-Ribeiro
Article | Open Access | Published: 13 September 2024
Cultivating Urban Agriculture Policies: Local Government Entrepreneurs’ Strategies in Three Brazilian Cities
Marcela Alonso Ferreira, Giselle Mendonça Abreu, Camila Nastari Fernandes, Vitória Leão, Jaqueline Ferreira and Juliana Luiz
Article | Open Access | Published: 13 September 2024
Laying the Foundations for a Child-Focused Cities Analytical Framework: Reflections From an International, Interdisciplinary Collaboration
Lynne O. Cairns, Rongedzayi Fambasayi, Rejoice Shamiso Katsidzira, Predrag Milić, Jua Cilliers and Paula Barros
Article | Open Access | Published: 12 September 2024
Beyond Car-Centred Adultism? Exploring Parental Influences on Children’s Mobility
Catarina Cadima, Kim von Schönfeld and António Ferreira
Article | Open Access | Published: 12 September 2024
Contested Ecological Transition in Small and Medium-Sized Cities: The Case of Rochefort, France
Fabian Lévêque and Guillaume Faburel
Article | Open Access | Published: 29 August 2024
Trans-Local Climate Politics in Ordinary Cities: From Local Agenda 21 to Transition Towns to Climate Emergency Declarations
Anton Brokow-Loga and Grischa Frederik Bertram
Article | Open Access | Published: 29 August 2024
“Arctic-tecture”: Teaching Sustainable Urban Planning and Architecture for Ordinary Arctic Cities
Jing Ma and Agatino Rizzo
Article | Open Access | Published: 29 August 2024
Infrastructure Transitions in Southern Cities: Organising Urban Service Delivery for Climate and Development
Lucy Oates and Andrew Sudmant
Article | Open Access | Published: 29 August 2024
Urban Microclimate Impact on Vertical Building-Integrated Photovoltaic Panels
Max Spett, Kevin Lau and Agatino Rizzo
Article | Open Access | Published: 29 August 2024
Towards More Equitable Urban Greening: A Framework for Monitoring and Evaluating Co-Governance
Eleanor Chapman, Viktor Bukovszki, Martina van Lierop, Silvia Tomasi and Stephan Pauleit
Article | Open Access | Published: 27 August 2024
An Urban Equalisation Strategy for Managing the Transition to Climate Resilience in an Ordinary Italian City
Riccardo Privitera
Article | Open Access | Published: 22 August 2024
Urban Sustainability in Arctic Cities: Challenges and Opportunities of Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals
Ava Soroudi, Agatino Rizzo and Jing Ma
Article | Open Access | Published: 16 August 2024
Industrial Heritage and Pathways for Cultural-Creative Development in Bamberg, Germany
Heike Oevermann, Even Smith Wergeland and Susanne Hanika
Article | Open Access | Published: 2 August 2024
Participatory Climate Action: Reflections on Community Diversity and the Role of External Experts
Connor Smith, Finlay Bain-Kerr and Dan van der Horst
Article | Open Access | Published: 17 July 2024
Urban Shrinkage, Degrowth, and Sustainability: An Updated Research Agenda
Joop de Kraker, Christian Scholl and Marco Bontje
Editorial | Open Access | Published: 11 July 2024
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Carbon Footprint Planning: Quantifying Local and State Mitigation Opportunities for 700 California Cities
Christopher M. Jones, Stephen M. Wheeler and Daniel M. Kammen
Article | Open Access | Published: 24 April 2018
Green Gentrification, Social Justice, and Climate Change in the Literature: Conceptual Origins and Future Directions
Roberta Cucca, Michael Friesenecker and Thomas Thaler
Article | Open Access | Published: 16 March 2023
Mobility as a Service: A Critical Review of Definitions, Assessments of Schemes, and Key Challenges
Peraphan Jittrapirom, Valeria Caiati, Anna-Maria Feneri, Shima Ebrahimigharehbaghi, María J. Alonso González and Jishnu Narayan
Article | Open Access | Published: 29 June 2017
Social Innovation as a Driver of Urban Transformation? The Case of Planning Approaches in the Dominican Republic
Abdelillah Hamdouch and Andiel Galvan
Article | Open Access | Published: 24 January 2019
Strengthening Community Sense of Place through Placemaking
Peter J. Ellery and Jane Ellery
Article | Open Access | Published: 30 June 2019
All Work and No Play? Facilitating Serious Games and Gamified Applications in Participatory Urban Planning and Governance
Cristina Ampatzidou, Katharina Gugerell, Teodora Constantinescu, Oswald Devisch, Martina Jauschneg and Martin Berger
Article | Open Access | Published: 29 March 2018
Green Infrastructure and Biophilic Urbanism as Tools for Integrating Resource Efficient and Ecological Cities
Giles Thomson and Peter Newman
Article | Open Access | Published: 26 January 2021
Planning the Ideal Refugee Camp? A Critical Interrogation of Recent Planning Innovations in Jordan and Germany
Ayham Dalal, Amer Darweesh, Philipp Misselwitz and Anna Steigemann
Article | Open Access | Published: 20 December 2018
Data-Driven Participation: Algorithms, Cities, Citizens, and Corporate Control
Matthew Tenney and Renee Sieber
Article | Open Access | Published: 4 July 2016
Reimagining the Future of the Sydney CBD: Reflecting on Covid-19-Driven Changes in Commercial and Residential Property Trends
Gabriela Quintana Vigiola, Juaneé Cilliers and Luis Hernando Lozano-Paredes
Article | Open Access | Published: 29 July 2022
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Mobility as a Service: A Critical Review of Definitions, Assessments of Schemes, and Key Challenges
Peraphan Jittrapirom, Valeria Caiati, Anna-Maria Feneri, Shima Ebrahimigharehbaghi, María J. Alonso González and Jishnu Narayan
Article | Open Access | Published: 29 June 2017
Lefebvre’s Politics of Space: Planning the Urban as Oeuvre
Andrzej Zieleniec
Article | Open Access | Published: 12 June 2018
Shifting Approaches to Planning Theory: Global North and South
Vanessa Watson
Article | Open Access | Published: 6 December 2016
Data-Driven Participation: Algorithms, Cities, Citizens, and Corporate Control
Matthew Tenney and Renee Sieber
Article | Open Access | Published: 4 July 2016
The Death and Life of Collaborative Planning Theory
Robert Goodspeed
Commentary | Open Access | Published: 14 November 2016
Carbon Footprint Planning: Quantifying Local and State Mitigation Opportunities for 700 California Cities
Christopher M. Jones, Stephen M. Wheeler and Daniel M. Kammen
Article | Open Access | Published: 24 April 2018
Strengthening Community Sense of Place through Placemaking
Peter J. Ellery and Jane Ellery
Article | Open Access | Published: 30 June 2019
Theory of Place in Public Space
Mark Del Aguila, Ensiyeh Ghavampour and Brenda Vale
Article | Open Access | Published: 30 June 2019
Planning the Ideal Refugee Camp? A Critical Interrogation of Recent Planning Innovations in Jordan and Germany
Ayham Dalal, Amer Darweesh, Philipp Misselwitz and Anna Steigemann
Article | Open Access | Published: 20 December 2018
Urban Gardening and Green Space Governance: Towards New Collaborative Planning Practices
Sofia Nikolaidou, Tanja Klöti, Simone Tappert and Matthias Drilling
Article | Open Access | Published: 29 February 2016
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Past, Present, and Future Perspectives on the Integration of AI Into Walkability Assessment Tools: A Systematic Review
Yasin Delavar, Sarah Gamble and Karla Saldana-Ochoa
Review | Open Access | Ahead of Print | Last Modified: 18 September 2024
From Vision to Reality: The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Different Urban Planning Phases
Frank Othengrafen, Lars Sievers and Eva Reinecke
Article | Open Access | Ahead of Print | Last Modified: 22 August 2024
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